Sunday, August 12, 2012

Annual Pointblank Puppy Family Picnic

Welcome back

It's the annual Pointblank Dog's puppy family picnic, and as always we're welcomed with open arms and great hospitality.  It's become a familiar field.  One filled with special memories of old friends, new friends and a whole pack of crazy beasts.  Clover could barely contain her excitement as we arrived. The best shot I could get for 20 minutes was a passing blur.

It was a pointers paradise. 

There were puppies to well seasoned dogs, each finding a soft spot in all of us. Collectively we spent the afternoon celebrating our appreciation for their quirky yet loyal companionship. There was a  little fellow, a full sibling to Clover, only few months old.

William decided to try the behaviour training he's learned with the other pets. A few actually listened. I'm not convinced they recognized any of the hand signals or verbal cues, but they read his body language well.  He was so incredibly proud.

Clover on some trail to nowhere in particular

Finding canine friends
I think this GSP is Buddy. Clover was very comfortable with him as she stayed close for a while. He was much more pond adventurous, as was our son! In the end we had to wipe down half a stinking mud-encrusted dog, wash one pair of brand new sneakers and replace one pair of what used to be white socks.

We got a good laugh as the Palmer obediently ran right past the girls (Clover & Mischa) when Liz caught the dogs during a break and enter on the tent buffet.  In fairness they did employ our six year son who assisted then defended their tag along strategy.

Clover and Mischa 

 Five hours later and these V's are STILL running...
and chasing each other?...

and exploring every single square inch of the property.
William hanging out with the pack

Clover catching her breath

Craziness needs a short time out!
And I mean short, because, there are wrestling matches to be had...

Break out the ball for a game of fetch

Couldn't have had a more beautiful day filled with four-legged love♥

Friday, August 10, 2012

August 2012

August 6, 2012

A trip to our 'private' beach

We are fortunate to have this quiet little part of the waterfront so close to home it feels like our own private sandbar. We were here most weekends last summer hoping to coax our pup into wading in the lake with marginal success. She preferred to make funny faces at the tireless labs that played some ridiculous game of fetch in the waves instead.  After a few rounds of pool fun it seems her taste for swimming has improved. And, if the current relents, she will happily play amongst the fishes. Of course I still get Clover's casual over-the-shoulder nod "are you coming?"