Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Goodbye Summer

The end of summer came quickly.  The last week before Labour Day was spent soaking up the sunshine.  We picked up a life jacket to allow Clover more swimming freedom. It was well worth the decreased anxiety about her nails puncturing the liner. This way she has to float, rather than stand on her hind legs, which by the way she does incredibly well! When I met her father Mojo, he stood and placed his paws on my waist, quite comfortably standing for some time.  I'm not sure if that's a Vizsla thing, or an 'apple doesn't fall far from the tree' thing? She's definitely got an aptitude for 2 legged mobility....and hugging.

It took a little adjustment but with William's assistance, she's a pro now. There were lots of giggles to be had in the process. 

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