Sunday, September 25, 2011

Eight Months (Weeks 33, 34, 35)

Our  daily schedules have changed these first weeks back to school and everyone is exhausted by it all. The family room is the crash landing zone. Clover always seems to crawl into the craziest spaces refusing to be left out of any snuggle activity.

Fall Fun
Time to prepare for the cold winter months.  The pool was dismantled and the decayed grass became a muddy field.  The annual flowerpots were emptied and it was a puppy free for all.  I didn't have the heart to interrupt such grande V adventures, so I stood giggling at the kitchen door with a mop, a towel and camera in hand.

Who put rabbits in my kennel?

We recently celebrated our son's 6th birthday.  It was a farm theme of course! Clover was quite captivated by the bunnies on loan to us.   She was also extremely puzzled as to why they would take up residence in HER outdoor run.  I did my best to convince her that avian species were far more interesting than these lagomorphs.  I'm not sure that worked.

Cattail "snow"
I briefly caught on my peripheral vision what appeared to be snow in September.  As it turned out, Clover had just discovered what becomes of a shredded cattail.

Caught redhanded with a mouthful of downy fluff and loving every second

EIGHT MONTHS 47 lbs 25" Wither

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