Monday, May 16, 2011

11 Weeks

14.9 lbs
William and I headed out to see my favourite vet and have Clover vaccinated for the second time.  It couldn't have been a more perfect evaluation.  She's bright, has a beautiful dental bite, a clean healthy pup.  Like a studious detective, she investigates the clinic room, impressively alert and seems those hours of training paid off  (it helps to have a canine with finely tuned genetics *wink).  Clover weighed in at 14.9 lbs with a lot of rib showing.  She's lean and eats like a friggin' horse.  Seriously!

She knows sit, down, and come.  Stay or "wait" is a little more tricky. I'm still holding out for some bladder control but the weather is warmer so I manage to keep her outside long enough to eliminate more often.  I was getting pretty frustrated with the refusal to pee on the cold wet ground.  The grass looks like hell, but I own a dog AND have a boy...the manicured lawn won't be a priority this year.

My biggest challenge is that the anxiety levels have reached an all time high.  It was more than I had bargained for to be honest.  If she can't physically touch me all the time she's a basket case.  But learning she can have unabated access 24/7 isn't a realistic picture for balancing a healthy family life.  I'm still persistently crate training, following all the non-excitement rules, still following a reliable schedule, changing up the mental games along with plenty of physical exercise.  I've tried offering my scented sweater...however returned to find my buttons bitten off and partially eaten.  Clover has been known to chew the baseboard through the bars of the play yard, just to try and get across the room to me.  She urinates on every blanket or towel and has begun to shred them too.  She howls, then barks, urinates then whines..repeat.  I love her dearly. Please, I plead, make it stop. 

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