Saturday, May 14, 2011


It's February.  Time to get to work preparing for the puppy's homecoming.  I had been collecting dog items for a while, years actually, yet another topic to add to the list of crazy things I do.  After careful evaluation, the "To Do" and "To Get" list was growing.  Eventually I lost my buffet amongst the boxes.

The efforts continue...
  1. The house was rearranged to accommodate the crate, play yard, extra dishes/containers.   
  2. Puppy-proofed the main floor.  
  3. Decisions made regarding the outdoor set up as Spring will arrive with additional obstacles & safety concerns.  
  4. The two existing geriatric cats have a comfortable dog-free zone especially during the critical period of introductions. 
  5. The five year old is reminded of the changes to come and the new "rules" being implemented in hopes that the transition would be a little easier.
  6. I've  met and interviewed a couple of certified trainers
  7. I've enlisted the help of dear friends for visits and socialization
  8. I've read and reviewed more than a dozen books on animal behaviour
  9. The vehicles are equipped with emergency K9 gear
  10. I continue to pray I haven't forgotten anything
On February 16th we made a trip to Costco.  Low and behold, trumpets sounded and a halo of light gleamed from the stunning AKC pro-breeder outdoor kennel displayed centre aisle.  OK, a little dramatic, but realistically it's how the scene played like a visual script in my head.  A few hours later I was equipped with tether straps and braving a 15 minute white knuckle drive home with several hundred pounds of powder-coated steel on the roof.  God, I love my Jeep!

Then miraculously listed on Kijiji was the crate.  The "one" I wanted and in the process of arranging transport across the border.  It was a mad rush to the city's west end to meet an exceptionally sweet couple and return with my treasure! 

All the necessities checked off!  I could finally tackle the task of sorting and putting everything in it's place.  At this point I was reminded of the experience waiting for my son to be born. Puppies definitely incite the nesting instinct.


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